The Bluford Series

Welcome to Bluford High!
The Bluford Series is a collection of young adult novels that have sparked excitement for reading in countless middle- and high-school classrooms. The series tells the stories of students at Bluford High, the tough but nurturing school that connects all the books, a place where action, suspense, romance, and drama abound.
For educators and parents, the Bluford Series is a proven gateway to reading. For readers, the Bluford Series offers a universe full of complex, relatable characters immersed in gripping storylines.
With free audiobooks for students, new books in the works, and an active fanbase on social media, the series is poised to become what fans want next: a streaming TV series. Explore this site to learn more about the Bluford Series and join the movement to bring it to the screen.
About the Bluford Series: A Look at the Books

Facts About the Bluford Series
- Praised by Kirkus Reviews, The Horn Book, the Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy, and various educational texts.
- Cited in the New York Times, the LA Times, the Washington Post, and School Library Journal for its ability to engage readers.
- Selected repeatedly by the American Library Association/Young Adult Librarian Services Association (ALA/YALSA) as Quick Picks fo Reluctant Readers.
- Named as a Top 10 selection by In The Margins, a publication of Library Services for Youth in Custody (LSYC).

The Bluford Series is a proven gateway to reading.
Millions of teens have discovered or rediscovered the joy of reading with this collection of young adult novels set at Bluford High School. Each novel features:
- Engaging topics: Characters in the Bluford Series face situations that middle- and high-schoolers care about, making them want to read.
- Emotional depth: Bluford books tell gripping stories and carry an emotional punch. Each can be read alone but is also connected to events in other books. Readers join a complex world they want to explore.
- Uplifting stories: Each book celebrates teens who make positive choices, especially when such actions are difficult or unpopular.
- Accessible writing: This groundbreaking hi-lo series has content sophisticated enough for high-school students, while reading level is between 5th and 6th grade (Lexile range: 570–760).
- Short length: Each novel in the Bluford Series contains fewer than 200 pages, motivating readers to finish their books—a pivotal step toward becoming regular readers!
- Broad appeal: Action, suspense, mystery, and romance fill the pages of the Bluford Series, offering something for all readers—boys and girls alike.
- Proven success: Students, teachers, parents, librarians, researchers, and policymakers agree: The Bluford Series can transform nonreaders into avid readers.
- Great price: Every novel in the Bluford Series is available from Townsend Press at $3 each—an unbeatable value!
Bluford by the Numbers
Fact: Numbers don't lie. The Bluford Series has been proven
to encourage widespread reading in schools!
in print (in millions)
(in thousands)
reviews (out of 5)
have received
ALA recognition
protagonists in
the Bluford Series
(left) and female
protagonists (right)
Bluford Series
(so far ...)
of a Bluford novel
Bluford Series
fulfills Common
Core Standards
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